Get Involved!
Our band is completely supported through the volunteer work of parents, grandparents, and friends. As the old saying goes, “many hands make light work.”
The Sign-Up Genius link will take you directly into our volunteer site to show you all the up-to-date needs for help. Please check back frequently as new opportunities are added weekly.
Chaperone, overnight and travel positions require approval from the Wilson County Raptor System.
To apply, it is a 3-step process:
Download and sign this Criminal Background Check from Wilson County Schools (CBC),
Complete this online application in Raptor and upload the signed CBC form, paying $6 to process, and
You will be notified from the WCS Raptor Administrator when your screen is complete. Once you receive the email approval, please forward the email to the Band Secretary MJBOGSecretary@gmail.com .
Transporting Students in Your Own Vehicle For Band Events
Typically all students will travel to events on WCS transportation however there are some instances with small groups, where we will request chaperones to transport students.
If you are driving students in your car, you will need to show proof of insurance to the band and need 100/300 insurance requirements.
You must also complete THIS FORM and upload it through the Raptor system, using the same process above.
Overnight Travel
Overnight travel rarely occurs, but when it does, it is required that any adult who encounters students, to provide a more in-depth chaperone form.
Any adults in the party must complete THIS FORM
Volunteer Tracking Form
For parents who are tracking their volunteer hours, you can download the form HERE.